

As readers know, each time my characters enter a new zone, I create a post to act as a summary for their travels.  When I started writing, I had a single character who had ventured into few locations.  The summary list was easily viewable in the label's list.   Over time, that list has grown and crowded out the summaries.

Below you will find links to each story summary page, and on each page, a link to that story entry.

Anneleigh's Story
1.0 - Mathosia - Story Summary - Anneleigh is killed and awakens in the Sanctuary of the Ascended and decides her fate.

2.0 - Silverwood - Story Summary - Anneleigh is returned to Telara two decades after she shattered the body of Aedraxis.

3.0 - Gloamwood - Story Summary - Anneleigh enters Gloamwood against the advise of the Waykeepers.

4.0 - Scarlet Gorge - Story Summary - Anneleigh learns the identy of one of her greatest foes.

5.0 - Scarwood Reach - Story Summary - Anneleigh works along side the 12th Regiment.

6.0 - Iron Pine Peak (a) - Story Summary - Anneleigh makes a powerful enemy and assists against the Abyssal.

7.0 - Stillmoor - Story Summary - Anneleigh returns to the place where it all began.

Gwenllian's Story

1.0 - Gwenllian's Tale - Moonshade - Gwenllian is summoned to help the Runeguard return Hammerknell to the Dwarves.

Alisandrina's Story

1.0 - Alisandrina's Tale - Alisandrina learns the story of her past, present, and future as she quiets the threat in her homeland.

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