“Thomas Penthas?” She inquired of a man who stood watch. “Brother Jebiah has sent me from Three
Springs to help you in any way that I can.”
“It’s disturbing how quickly the Abyssal
cult infiltrated Moonshade Highlands. I
am glad you could come at once. The Guardians
should have set up an outpost here long ago; I only hope it is not too late.”
Gwenllian introduced herself. “And what has brought you here, Penthas, so
far from your home?”

Gwenllian gave a nervous laugh. She was not a believer in superstition or
future-casting. “It is .... possible.”
She said at last, not wishing to offend the man.
They both looked towards Hammerknell
Fortress for a time before they were joined by a dwarf Gwenllian recognized as
Joseph Holden.
“Don’t think for a second that the Abyssal
are our only adversaries here in Moonshade, or even our most dangerous ones.” Holden said as he joined their party, looking
towards the fortress.
Gwenllian looked to him. “The fact is, Holden, they are the ones who
show themselves, so they are the ones we can fight. When the others come knocking at our door, we
will be ready for them as well, but for the time being. ... “she trailed off,
noticing the frown on his face.
“If we wait for them to come to us,
Moonshade Highlands will be lost.”
Gwenllian shrugged and turned back to
Penthas. “What can I do to help.”
“I think it’s time we sought guidance from
the Vigil. There is an Altar of Bahralt
within the Faering Woods. Perhaps the
might patron of your people will offer some advice. It would also help to know what magic the
fae have been tampering with.”

“There are three faeries that seem to be in
charge in the wood. Perhaps their
possessions would provide clues on what the fae are doing.”
Defeated, and knowing that aside her
prayers to the Alter this trip to the woods is pointless, Gwenllian turned, but
was interrupted by Holden.
“Maybe I can give you a better reason to
risk your neck, Linny. There have been
reports of a spirit wandering within the Faering Woods that isn’t like the
others. Some think that it’s the ghost
of a Dwarven hero from the days before the Shade. You should speak with this ghost. If it is truly an ancient fallen hero, we
might learn from him.
Gwenllian left the tower and made her way
cautiously into the wood. All at once
the light of midday was pulled from the sky and the area became as dark as
midnight. Gwenllian looked up to see the
treetop canopy, but knew that this cover alone was not responsible for the
sudden darkness.
Being sure to watch her surroundings,
Gwenllian made her way to the Altar first.
It sat at the very center of the wood, on an island that had since
become overrun with mushroom and greenery.
In the times before the area became home to fae creatures, this wood had
been a holy place for many Dwarves, a pilgrimage destination for many who
wished to seek the wisdom of their patrion.

“If you’ve come seeking Bahralt’s
Messenger, then you will be sadly disappointed.” taunted the cultist. “He is now our prisoner.”
With shock and anger, as well as slight
disbelieve that any cultist could capture a messenger, Gwenllian rose to her
full height. She drew back the knife
given to her by Brother Jebiah and threw it at the cultist, hearing the
satisfying sound of blade against bone that she was not fully accustomed too.
When she was sure the cultist was dead,
Gwenllian pulled the blade from his chest and left the pool in search of the
ghost Holden had sent her to find. She
paced the pathways, pearing through the trees and was started to see him walking
along the path; His pearly gray-white silhouette shining like moonlight on the
trail around him. She watched him for a
moment before realising his uniform, and his face, looked familiar to her.
“General Stanig?” Gwenllian said as she approached him.
“You.... can see me?” Stanig said
cautiously? “I have not spoken to anyone
in so long...”
“I can see you, yes.” Gwenllian said. “Can you tell me why you are here? Maybe your insight can help us now.”

“It’s that Deathtouched Satyr,
Gorvaht. We must purge his
corruption. My forefathers used
Runecrated Stones to protect Moonshade, but they’ve grown weak. Retrieve them and bring them to an old friend
of mine. He’ll get a shock when you
mention me!” Stanig laughed again and
then faded out into the darkness.
WRITERS NOTE: April 28, 2013
One of the pitfalls of writing this story so many months after doing the quests is I find I'm not always able to remember facts about individual characters. Today, in writing 1.10G - The Runeguard, I discovered I had made an error in the assumption I made about General Stanig.
I originally had believed Stanig died in the shade wars. He can be seen walking in Mathosia during the Guardian tutorial. However, he remarks that he is not Ascended.
This fits with seeing him as a ghost in Moonshade. However, I made that leap before coming to a point where the current leader of the Runeguard explains the General's story.
I have removed the offending line of text. "Many of us traveled to Mathosia to assist in any way we could. I was slain like so many others.... " because it is now clear that the events of the Shade took place before the events that closed Hammerknell. Stanig returned, as a mortal Runeguard, and closed the door on Hammerknell.
Continue reading to learn what really happened.
WRITERS NOTE: April 28, 2013
One of the pitfalls of writing this story so many months after doing the quests is I find I'm not always able to remember facts about individual characters. Today, in writing 1.10G - The Runeguard, I discovered I had made an error in the assumption I made about General Stanig.
I originally had believed Stanig died in the shade wars. He can be seen walking in Mathosia during the Guardian tutorial. However, he remarks that he is not Ascended.
This fits with seeing him as a ghost in Moonshade. However, I made that leap before coming to a point where the current leader of the Runeguard explains the General's story.
I have removed the offending line of text. "Many of us traveled to Mathosia to assist in any way we could. I was slain like so many others.... " because it is now clear that the events of the Shade took place before the events that closed Hammerknell. Stanig returned, as a mortal Runeguard, and closed the door on Hammerknell.
Continue reading to learn what really happened.
Yay, an update! I hope you feel better dear! From your last post I assumed you were having a rough time eh? *hugs* A good read, as always, and I love the difference in character between Gwenny and Ann! :)