“I used to visit Moonshade Pools to hear the
will of the Vigil, but I won’t go near the place now. Bloodcurdling screams echo through the night,
and Tidal Aberrations have risen from the water. They are infused with death magic,
Gwenllian! Akylios, the false dragon
god, bestows mastery of water magic to his worshippers in the Abyssal
cult. Yet, they’ve somehow corrupted the
pools with death magic, creating the Tidal Aberrations.”
“How do you know?” Gwenllian asked skeptically. “It seems a large leap to assume these
Aberrations are deathtouched without further investigation.”
Brother Jebiah frowned at her. “You have always been an independent spirit,
“Gwenllian!” She interrupted, but he took no notice.

Gwenllian’s blood boiled; Scolded for
asking a simple question, one that would mean the difference between her
understanding, and her confusion. She
made to respond, but Brother Jebiah cut her off.
“It is enough that we know. The Abyssal cult and their death magic
rituals must be excised from Moonshade Pools.
Will you do this, or do we spend more time arguing?”
Gwenllian took hold of the blade he held
out to her and stomped off in the direction of the pools. Along the way, she fumed at the injustice of
the situation. “Why do they insist on treating me as a child?”
she asked herself. Yet she already knew
the answer. Many in Three Springs
remember her as the girl who stowed away with her sister and got herself killed
in the shade. Though she has not
physically aged since that day, her attitude has changed. She thought her devotion to her studies, and
to her family, might have proven that to them.
This conversation only proved that Brother Jebiah could not move past
her young appearance and see her for who she has grown to be; an Ascended, and
a Guardian.
On the side of the path Gwenllian found a
large Altar to Bahralt. Kneeling before
it she made a small prayer for a clear head as she entered the enemy camp. From behind the Alter she heard a deranged
laughter and opened her eyes to see a Mathosian leaning forward, peering at
He was Mathosian, she could see it in his
clothing and choice of weapon, but his physical appearance had lost much of his
humanity in the time since his death.

There was no question in her mind. Here is the connection she had wanted from
Brother Jebiah. This poor Mathosian was certainly
death-touched. No other planar power
could reanimate the dead. Yet he did not
cry for the death of enemies of the Endless.
It is the enemies of the Abyssal who drive him to kill.
With the blade of the knife held clumsily
in her left hand, Gwenllian said a quick prayer for the soul who used to reside
in this body, and backed away from the Altar to give herself room. Casting
her spell work as quickly as she could, she was able to root him to the ground
before he reached her with his sword.
Frozen, the husk of the Mathosian was unable to move as she dug the
blade deep into his heart. She had never
used a blade before, always preferring to cast magic than fight with weapons,
but she knew the job had been done when the body became still. From the corpse rose the spirit. She could see clearly the image of what this
husk looked like before becoming tainted by the planes. He stood taller, was well groomed, and had an
air of humanity that the husk had lacked.
“Thank you for freeing me from my prison.” Was all he said before he faded into the
misty dawn light.

“The abyssal will not get away with
subjecting our people to damnation.
Their physical bodies are lost, but we can still free their spirits into
the light of the Vigil. “And, although it slowed her progress considerably,
Gwenllian made a point to free as many souls as she could between Three Springs
and the Ritual Altar.
At the top of the Cliffside, under what
once as a beautiful arbor and gazebo, Gwenllian found the Altar. She could see Three Springs in the distance,
and Sanctum further off, silhouetted, and just visible against the rising sun.
Gwenllian circled the arbor; cleansing the
bodies she found surrounding the Altar space.
As she finished her prayer for the last of the sacrifices a priestess
stepped up into the arbor. “You will
suffer the wrath of Akylios for ruining my altar.” She said as she approached Gwenllian.
“Why are you here in Moonshade?” Gwenllian asked her as she worked her
spells. “What does this area hold for

“You won’t defeat the Abyssal! We will master death magic and breach Hammerknell Fortress!”
Gwenllian gasped and used her outrage to propel
her forward. The priestess appeared to
be caught off guard when Gwenllian approached and the fight was won quickly.
Taking only a moment to soak in the beauty
of the view, Gwenllian returned to Brother Jebiah in Three Springs.
“I am glad Lamoira is dead, Gwenllian,
However, though you have removed the source, the stain of evil will remain on
this land for some time. I am concerned
that Lamoira mentioned the Abyssal’s desire to breach Hammerknell
Fortress. If the Abyssal have been
learning death magic to breach Hammerknell, the fools might unwittingly unleash
the demons entombed there. Why would
they risk unleashing a death magic upon Telara?”
He looked at her. “As for you, Thomas Penthas at Hammerload
Post sends word of some horrific events to the west. He needs your assistance.”
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