“Olaf Baldstrom?” Anneleigh asked as she
approached. “I understand you can tell
me about this city.”

“Thedeor is the sword.” Anneleigh
repeated. “Can you tell me more about
“Certainly!“ Olaf said.
“The god of the swords values courage and an adventurous spirit. If you bring him victory honorably gained he
will bring you glory in this world and the next. If you flee from a challenge, or fight
dishonorably, then you will anger him, and woe to the mortal that earns great
Thedeor’s anger.”
He paused for a moment to draw her
attention to the archers practicing behind them.
“Before the vigil, Thedeor was the patron
of the Mathosian people, who taught them courage and the arts of war. Now he oversees all those that march to
combat the threats to our world, the dragons, their elemental invaders, and the
heathen Defiant. We devotees who are not
in the field on a crusade give honor to the Sword of the Vigil by testing our
prowess against each other by sparring.
We must keep in excellent fighting shape, for only our skill in war, can
ensure a peace for Holy Sanctum.”

Olaf returned his attention to the archery
and Anneleigh took the focus change as her dismissal. She left the circle the way she had come and
continued around the base of the basilica.
At the end of Bahralt Street , she found a courtyard that reminded her
greatly of Silverwood. The houses and
shops seemed to grow organically from the earth just the same as that in Argent
She crossed the village to a young woman
dressed in the same robes as Lila.
“Are you an Abbess of the Vigil?” Anneleigh
“Yes, dear one. I am Onida, Abbess of Mariel-Taun. Welcome to Mariel-Taun Village. Are you on a pilgrimage of understanding?”
Anneleigh considered this for a
moment. She had not thought of her
desire to see the city as a pilgrimage, but now that the thought had been
proposed, she felt it was correct. Anneleigh
“Then let me assist in your journey.” Onida
said. “The High Elves who marched
against the tyrant Aedraxis were consumed by the Shade. Those that had stayed behind grieved for their
loss. When the elves returned as
immortal Ascended most rejoiced. Elves
are long lived and the loss of so many sundered the faith of many, who left the
covenant in despair and sought to live among men in the cities and towns of the
Mathosians and Eths.”
“When the Ascended elves returned,” Onida
continued, “they called for all elves who wished to rejoin the covenant with
the gods to return to Sanctum. Many
settled here in the village outside the Basilica. Some elves felt envious of this new covenant,
this new status granted to the Guardian elves. Lead by Prince Hylas, they
refused to join us here in this holy city, and instead remained in the ancient
Overwatch Keep, fighting their old enemies.”
“The aelfwar. Yes, I know of them.” Anneleigh interjected.
Onida nodded. “This island of Sanctum is ours by divine
right, but the lands beyond are in dispute with house Aelfwar. Many pilgrims that make the holy journey
never leave. Now it is home to many
artisans, poets, priests, and refugees who are seeking sanctuary from the
invasion of the elemental demons. “
Anneleigh smiled at Onida. “Can you tell me about Mariel-Taun?”
“Of course.
Mariel-Taun is the heart of the Vigil.
She blesses those who love selflessly.
She is the goddess of community, the heart and compassion. “
Anneleigh looked around her. This village seemed to be all Onida had said;
A community with shared joy.

As before, Anneleigh took this as her cue
to continue her exploration of the holy city.
As she followed the curve of the path around the basilica she noticed
the shops and houses became fewer and further between. When, at last, they began to grow in number,
she noticed another Abbot standing off to one side.
“Are you able to tell me about the vigil?”
She asked of the Abbot.
The young elf nodded. “I am Howakan, Abbot of Thontic.”
“Who is Thontic?” Anneleigh asked, “I know
very little of him.”

If you would like to read Part 1, you can find it here.
Part three, the finale pieces of the Sanctum chapter, will come later this week. We still have yet to enter the basilica and reunite with Shyla. The interior of the building is even more grand than the surrounding village.
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