“Sanctum is a wonder, nothing to be
frightened of.” Maris assured her.
“This is a place built around the mutual
love between the Guardian’s and the Vigil.
I’m worried I won’t live up to my reputation.” Anneleigh said, surprising even herself.
Maris giggled softly. “That is nothing to worry about.”
“Even so,” Anneleigh said, “in all my
travels, even including my ascension, I don’t believe I have ever seen anything
so beautiful.”
Maris stood with Anneleigh until her
breathing slowed.
“Take it slow.” Maris advised. “It is
perfectly ok to wonder and admire. This is
your home; you are welcome to act as you wish.
If that means becoming a tourist for a day, be welcome to it.”
Anneleigh nodded and stepped forward, onto
the bridge. As she approached, the
village came into clearer focus. She
could now see the faces, the smiles, of people.
Many continued on their way, but one standing near the bridge continued
to watch her, calling out to her when she was within earshot.
“The journey from Divine Landing can be
dangerous and full of peril, especially when one is becoming accustomed to life
once again.”
Anneleigh smiled and relaxed. “You can see I am ascended?” She asked.
“It is not as uncommon as you might
believe.” The woman said. “Many were
ascended at the battle. They have lived
their lives here in Telara, preparing for the planar invasions and planning for
the future.”
Anneleigh nodded. She understood that Shyla is one of such
ascended; one who was brought back to life by the power of the Vigil continued
to live their lives after the shade.
“Take the time to explore this holy city.”
The young woman continued. “I am Lila
Medows, the Abbess of Tavril, the Land.
As an elf, you are knowledgeable already of Tavril. I ask that you talk to the other Abbots and
learn about the other members of the vigil, and about the history of this holy
“I am very interested in catching up on all
I have missed out on.” Anneleigh said.

Anneleigh smiled to hear the words. “Nothing truer has ever been said about
Tavril.” Anneleigh surprised herself and
hugged the woman, overcome with emotion.
“Go now, Ascended. Learn about your new home and the beauty and
history of this sacred place.”
Anneleigh nodded and walked to the left of
the square, following the path as it descended to a lower level. This area seemed to be functioning as a
manufacturing yard. People rushed from
one space to the next, juggling lumber, linen and jewels. She approached a robed dwarf at the center of
the confusion.
“Welcome to Bahralt Street.” The dwarf
called above the clatter. Anneleigh was
unsure if he addressed everyone this way, or if he could tell she was a newcomer.
“Here you will find the finest craftsmen
in the world who honor the god of cities by improving their skills.”
“The god of cities?” Anneleigh asked. “I did not realize the Vigil included a god
of cities.”
The dwarf looked at her. Anneleigh sensed pity mixed with sadness.
“Bahralt is the city. He wishes us to labor and learn, to become
skilled at a craft and to teach our knowledge to our neighbours. The more trades you learn, the more pleased
he is by your efforts. “
Anneleigh smiled. “I understand now. I knew Bahralt to be the patron god of the
dwarves, but I did not know he stood for trade and knowledge.”

“I will strive to know him better.” Anneleigh said, honestly feeling disappointed
in her knowledge of the Gods of the Vigil.
“You are young, and have been gone many
years. In that time, other Ascended have
come to know each of the Vigil. You will
come to know them, in your own time.”
Anneleigh pulled her attention away from
the dwarf and looked around at the square.
She wanted to obscure her discomfort for the moment. The dwarf seemed to understand.
“You are also learning about Sanctum. You have, no doubt, spoken to Lila. Let me continue the story. When Borrin Gammult discovered this island
rising out of the sea, he had a vision of a mighty temple to the Vigil built on
top of it. He went to the city of Port Scion
and recruited the finest craftsmen from the dwarves, the elves and the
Mathosians and brought them back to this new island to build the Sanctum of the
Vigil. They labored for a year and a day
to create this most holy of temples.”
Anneleigh focused her gaze to the towering basilica. From this lower level, it towered higher
still. “One year and one day.” She
thought to herself.
“It was during the construction of the Basilica,”
the dwarf continued, “that tragedy befell Port Scion. The heretical machines of the Defiants, that
burn the holy sourcestone, opened a rift to the plane of death. Many who escaped journeyed here seeking
sanctuary from the elemental invaders.
They named the city Sanctum after the temple to the Vigil and it has
become a shining beacon of peace and strength to the elves, dwarves, and
Mathosians who seek to redeem the world from the corruption of the dragons. “
“Such tragedy, but thankfully the Guardians
had a place to go.” Anneleigh said.
The dwarf nodded and smiled. “You seem ready to learn all you can. Visit with Olaf Bladstrom across the
square. He will continue your education.”
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