Anneleigh nodded. “Yes, very.
But what does that mean?
“Prince Hylas must be mad to involve
himself with such powerful planar magic, yet it would explain much of the
Aelfwars’ recent activities. “
“Yes, but what is Kengeegon?”
“He, not what. He is a treant demon from the Plane of
Life. Our oldest tomes name him as one
of Greenscale’s dreaded harbingers of
the wild.”
Anneleigh thought for a moment. “At least we have a name now. It’s a start.”
“You are very optimistic, Anneleigh. Yes, it is a start, but we are already
running out of time. We now have few
remaining options.” Tivan was quiet for
a moment. “It seems rational approaches
will not end this crisis. We must beat
Hylas at his own game.”
“What are you suggesting?” Anneleigh asked.
“If we do nothing, Hylas will unleash
Kongeegon, and Silverwood will be ruined.
The Vigil must intervene! Nial
Adnar is an eccentric who lives in the Overwatch Keep.”
“He lives there?” Anneleigh interrupted.
Tivan smiled. “The Aelfwar think him harmless, but his
knowledge of the gods may help you defeat Prince Hylas.”
Anneleigh took the directions for finding
Niall and once again entered the Keep. Her
previous trip into the Keep gave her much useful information on their patrol
habits and guard posts. By moving slowly
and cautiously she reached Niall Adnar with little trouble.
He must have been observing her activities
in the keep because he began to speak the moment she arrived.
“Loras is correct –a life of contemplation
has given me insight into the Vigil. I’ve
kept out of the Aelfwar conflict, hoping my peaceful example would lead them to
re-examine their views, but if they plan to summon Kongeegon, it is time for
other methods.”
“What do you need from me?” Anneleigh

“To prevail against Kongeegon, our minds
must be clear, yet mine has been murky of late.” At this, Anneleigh believed he was accusing
her indirectly. Adnar continued. “The Zealots sing the song of Greenscale,
their false god, from the high towers, and it’s driving me mad. Eliminate their sinful presence and our minds
will be at peace.”
“You want me to kill the Zealots.” She said
with irritation. They were running out
of time and he wanted her to kill more of the Aelfwar.
“Kongeegon is nourished by the Seed of Destruction,
and to breach it, we need the Vigil. To
reach the Vigil we need a clear mind. "
"There is a quicker way to a clear mind than through violence.” A young girl, whom Anneleigh had not noticed in her haste, spoke. “When the races of Telara first repelled the Blood Storm, sacred hymns revived people’s faith that we are the Vigil’s Chosen. Do you know the verses?”
Anneleigh shook her head. “I may have heard them once or twice as a
child, but so much has happened to me in the last week.”
The young girl smiled at her. “Then we will lead you in the reliquary.”
Anneleigh signed. Tivan was not exaggerating when she said
Adnar was eccentric. This felt like a
waste of time, but if she wanted their help, she had little choice.
Niall smiled at the girl. “Emilyn! You may
lead us.”
Emilyn smiled and allowed her giddiness to
show. Anneleigh wondered how often she
was allowed to lead. She clearly lived
for these moments, but there must be little opportunity here in the Keep with
Niall Adna as your only companion.
Emilyn took a deep breath and spoke in a
reverent and peaceful voice.
“Chosen are the Mathosians, steadfast and
dutiful.” As she spoke, Anneleigh heard
a deeper, male voice echo her words. She
looked to Niall, but he was entranced, eyes closed and unspeaking. The voice was familiar to Anneleigh in some
way, but she could not put her finger on it.
“Disgraced are the Bahmi, tainted by the
planes.” The echoing voice changed. This voice too sounded familiar. It was still a male voice but it was clearly
a different speaker.
“Chosen are the High Elves, venerable and
wise.” The speaker changed; a female, and
now Anneleigh realized what she was hearing. This was the voice of Tavril. She had only heard it once before, in her
transition between the era of the Shade and today’s Telara.
“Disgraced are the Kelari, dishonorable and
cold.” Spoke another female voice. Anneleigh realized this must be the voice of
“Chosen are the Dwarves, enduring and
optimistic.” Spoke a low, earthy voice.
The connection between Dwarves and the Vigil lead Anneleigh to believe
she was hearing Bahralt.
“With one voice we bless the Ascended,
saviors of Telara.” Spoke the voices together.
Anneleigh was only vaguely aware of Emilyn’s voice among those of the
The hymn finished and Emilyn and Niall
“Now, the grace of the gods envelops me,
and I am one with the Vigil as I’ve never been.
Hylas believes Greenscale to be all-powerful, but he has never seen what
I’ve seen.” Niall said.
Emilyn continued to smile. Her peace was evident on her face. “I hear them – the voices of the Vigil have
never been more resolute.”
“The Aegis of the Vigil will unleash the
wrath of the gods upon Kongeegon. You
will need the help of the spirit guide.
I believe...”
Anneleigh interrupted, “I have spoken with
the Spirit Guides before. They have
guided me for much of my journey.”
“They speak with her again, young one, and
learn how she intends you to defeat Kongeegon.
You are in the Vigil’s hands now, Anneleigh.”
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