She walked the quiet college paths in the moonlight. All of the students had returned home many hours ago, but she knew the professors kept longer hours. At last she found him, deep in conversation with Professor Drift and one of the college guards. All three looked relieved as she approached.
“We were going to send a search party to find you.” said Professor Bedstraw.
“I am alright. I might not be, if it weren’t for nature itself; though this particular squirrel seemed to know a little more than his average brothers.” Anneleigh said.
The two professors and the guard gathered around Anneleigh.
“Professor,” Anneleigh said, turning to Professor Bedstraw. “I could not bring you samples. I’m sorry.” For his part, the professor had the grace to hide his disappointment. “I could not cut them away without the aelfwar sensing it. I could not burn away a sample either.”
“The faetouched Sapling burned without effect?” interjected Professor Drift. “If the Aelfwar can grow fortifications imbued with planar magic anywhere they choose, they’ll be unassailable. Imagine such growths unleashed in Sanctum. The city would crumble into the sea!”
“Be calm, Professor.” The guard soothed. “The power and grace of the Vigil would not allow it. Think clearly. The Sanctum basilica is built around the largest wardstone ever blessed. No planar magic could succeed in that place.”
Professor Drift took several deep breaths and took the guard’s hands. “Thank you, dear boy. Yes. Yes you are correct.”
He took another moment to steady himself. “Anneleigh, what of Gutter? Did you retrieve the totem of Maleforge?”
Anneleigh smiled, reached into her quiver and pulled out the talon.
“With Gutter defeated and the Talon of Maelforge recovered, the goblins will retreat to Gloamwood.* We’ll send the Talon to Sanctum, to be ensconced in blessed Crystal.”
“What is our next step?” Anneleigh asked.
“I believe it is time to consult Brougan again.” Said Professor Bedstraw. “He will know the best course of action.”
Anneleigh turned to leave but Professor Drift caught her on the shoulder. “It is late now. Silverwood can wait until daybreak. After all, even the plaintouched must sleep.”
Anneleigh tried to sleep. Yet though her eyes were burning with exhaustion and her body reached out into the darkness for some solitude, she could not quiet her thoughts long enough to sleep. At dawn she pulled on a new pair of boots (borrowed from the Quicksilver Guard) and made her way over to Brougan’s usual lookout.
She waited only one hour for his arrival.
“I take it by your early rise that you have news?” he said with a smile. “Out with it then.”
Anneleigh took her time recounting the story of the palisade.
“...and then this Unusual Squirrel opened my cage and led me up the mountain to an old path.” Anneleigh concluded.

Anneleigh nodded as Brougan continued. “Since we cannot gather the information we need from his followers, we will have to get closer to Hylas to discover his plan. With any luck Tivan will have some information that will shine the needed light on the problem. “He looks directly at Anneleigh. “There is the possibility you will have to enter the Keep, but pray to Tavril he has already retrieved the information.”
Anneleigh crossed out of Argent Glade and made her way east to the base of Overwatch Keep. As she entered the camp, she is waved over to the small group assembled.
“This is the closest we can get to Hylas without alerting his scouts. Unfortunately, that means it is from here we must end House Aelfwar’s foothold on Silverwood.”
Anneleigh’s hope fell. Brougan hoped you would have some information that would tip the scales in our favor.”
To her surprise, Tivan smiled. “Don’t lose hope. Hylas is so certain of his superiority that he often overlooks the small aspects of his operation that will give us what we need. While we attack with one hand, we will offer peace with the other.”
“Do you really think it will work?” Anneleigh asked.
“I wouldn’t send you in there alone if I didn’t.” He said quickly. “Now, Hylas allows audiences with those who prove themselves worthy. Offer him the head of a goblin warlord, and he might listen to reason.”
Anneleigh shutters. “You want me to cut off a goblin’s head? You really think that will prove to Hylas I am Aelfwar?” She looks down at her clothes. “I don’t look like Aelfwar, and his subjects at the Palisade are sure to have given him my description.”
“I know.” He said, “But it’s really the best plan we’ve got. At the very least it will get you close to him.”
“And possibly killed.”
“And possibly killed, yes. I won’t deny it.” Tivan said.
Anneleigh considered for a moment, and then sighed. “Where do I find the goblin?”
*Note: I thought I read somewhere, long ago, that the area known as Silverwood used to include, not just Silverwood, but all of Gloamwood as well. I cannot find that reading anywhere. Perhaps it’s an obscure quest text and I’ve flown over it in my research.
The reason I ask is this: If Gloamwood was part of Silverwood at one point, at what point in time did it split off/become cursed/divide? As it stands, because I cannot find further information, I have made the assumption that Anneleigh would know about Gloamwood. However, if the divide happened after the Shade, she would not. Astute readers: if you know where I might find this information, please advise!
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