“The others live.” Anneleigh exclaims. “I was not told. This is wonderful news.” She beams from ear to ear. “Captain, we cannot fail now. I am a single hunter, but see now how the Vigil blesses their chosen.”
“We’re not victorious yet. The others from the bridge seem to have fallen unconscious in the blast.”
“I will go to them, return them to shore if I can.” Anneleigh said as she started towards the water’s edge.
“No ascended. Please go to Catelyn Silera, tell her we live. You can spread the hope further and faster than any of us.
“If you’re sure, Captain.” Anneleigh said, a little puzzled. So far in this life she has been sent from one person to the next. Was she to be a personal messenger, or would she be given the chance to fight and truly help Telara?

“When I saw the Defiants blow up the bridge, I thought Captain Glott and his soldiers were doomed. Thank you for delivering news of their safety.”
Anneleigh smiled softly. She had not helped in the rescue but was being treated as the hero. It did not sit right with her. Reward and honor for work done and results gained were one thing, but receiving the thanks of the people mealy because she is graced by the Vigil, that was quite another.
“I did nothing, Catelyn. Really, I am but a messenger. My name is Anneleigh, and I’m ready to help. What can I do to help?”
“Nonsense.” Catelyn said. Anneleigh wondered if she actually heard her complaint or just chose to ignore it. “Your timing is good...... “Catelyn trailed off. For a moment she was completely silent – she even seemed to hold her breath. Then her eyes became wide and she spoke in a flood of excitement that clashed against her calm elvish demeanor.
“Your name is ... Anneleigh? Why, I’ve heard stories about you all my life. You ended the Mathosian war! You’re arrival heralds the defeat of the Defiants and the blossoming of our glory. Though we had a grudging peace with the Defiants after Regulos was defeated, his return and the continual invasion of the planes have given our differing world views mortal consequences. While we Guardians restore the power of the Vigil to strengthen the Ward that protects Telara from Regulos and the Blood Storm, the Defiants attempt to save Telara with profane technologies. If they prevail, the Vigil will be weakened and the Blood Storm will devour us all!”
Catelyn stopped to breath, and perhaps, to allow Anneleigh to absorb the new information. This is the first time Anneleigh has heard the Defiant’s spoken of as protectors – protectors in their own way. However, something still did not connect for her.
“If the Defiants are attempting to save Telara, why would their actions weaken the ward? Surely they realize what they are doing.”
“They believe their Technologies will succeed... But how can it when they defile the very source stone that allows our communication with the Vigil?”
“You have a point there.” Anneleigh said. She felt as though a heavy weight had been dropped into the pit of her stomach. It will not be easy to convince the Defiant of the error of their ways; they have been working towards this moment for the past 20 years.
“For the moment there is other work to be done. We must first deal with the aftermath of the bridge destruction. We need your help against this new attack.” Anneleigh nodded. “Centurion Osteneer is the Defiant who destroyed the bridge. His cowardice is only exceeded by Orphiel the Betrayer – he deserves death. I know our fallen soldiers on Founder’s Threshold carried relics to purge defiant atrocities; A Harrowing Talisman. I’m unsure of its uses, but if you find one, I have no doubt you’ll know what to do.”

He must have been no older than she, maybe 18 – just old enough to join the recruitment, yet scattered among the others, and all but swallowed in his armor, he looked like a child. Perhaps, if he lived 20 years ago, he would have responded to the call to aid in the Mathosian war against Aedraxis, just as she had. He too may have been Ascended when he fell in battle. Now, instead of the purpose she was returned to serve, he lay dead on the bridge, unable to continue the fight for Telara’s safety.
Anneleigh knelt beside him, closed his eyes, and recited the pray she offered back on Theodor Fields when she believed she was bound to death.
Thedeor, god of the Sword, may you keep your faithful strong.
Mariel-Taun, goddess of the heart, may you bring us light in this darkness.Bahralt, god of the city, may you forever keep Telara safe.
Thontic, god of the sea, assist those who seek to re-establish Telara.
Tavril, goddess of the land, take pity on your faithful guardian.
One final moment of silence to the fallen solider and Anneleigh knew it was time to complete her task. The solider held in his hand the relic, a small disk, not much larger than a coin, with engravings similar to the designs on the Guardian uniforms. She scooped it up out of the soldier’s hands and continued the short way to the crest of the bridge, the place destroyed by the Defiant.
Across the divide Anneleigh could see Centurion Osteneer. Even across the expanse and over the sound of cannon fire, she could hear his taunts.
“Our machines will remake this world, and we will slay any Guardian who gets in our way!”
“Well.” Thought Anneleigh, “Your solides may give it their best effort, but you will not be among them.”
Anneleigh held out the relic and focused her mind on Centurion Osteneer.
“What... “Osteneer called to his men.”What is going on? What is this searing light?!”
He seemed to glow from within and then fell, crumpled to the ground as if his own bones were no longer able to support him.
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