“This place is a nexus where the power of the five Gods meets. It is where the Vigil can reach out its hand to those who seek them. “
The Messenger nodded and Anneleigh rose.
“You have done all the Gods have asked. Now they ask for so much more. You must be prepared to give your life to push Regulos back through the Ward. “

“The Vigil requires this of you. You were returned to save Telara from Regulos. No further good can return to this world unless he is returned to his prison outside the ward that guards this place. You must do this Anneleigh.”
Anneleigh nods and looks down at her feet. Her feelings of shame are quickly silenced when a sensation of warmth and light stretching over her entire body begins; Starting from her fingertips and toes and spreading until she feels she might burst from pride.
“You now have the power to defeat King Aedraxis and shepherd the light back into this war-torn land. Walk the path of the Vigil and you will never walk alone. If you wish it, I can send you back to Valor Hold using the power emanating from this place.”
Still looking to her feet, Anneleigh sees herself first rise from the ground, then become enveloped in light. Without warning, the light leaves the platform, carrying Anneleigh with it, crossing Theodor Field at an incredible speed. Within seconds she is returned to the ground within the safety of Valor Hold, Cyril and Marshal gaping at her.
“I’ve never seen anyone so illuminated by the Vigil’s grace....”
He was interrupted by the sight of soldiers returning from the field, carrying the bodies of the dead between them.
“These soldiers were slain by the same rift that killed us, but they were not brought back to life.” Marshal said. “I feel lucky to be here, but I know that it’s no accident. Just like you, I was chosen for the sureness of my sword, not the virtues of my heart.”
“The finale fight against Aedraxis will soon be upon us.” Cyril continued. “Anneleigh, I hope the Vigil’s messenger gave you instructions, a way to stop this madness.”
“She simply told me the time is coming where I must push Regulos back through the ward.” She could not bring herself to tell him it will cost her life. That was a horror she felt she must carry alone.
“Aedraxis took much from us when he loosed Regulos upon the world. Our lands, our people, and our hope – all gone. Now we will return the favor. It is time to slay the Tyrant. Take a few moments to prepare yourself, but we must not wait for him to come to us. If we do, all will be lost.”
“I am ready now.” Anneleigh said, hoping, again, that she sounded more surefooted than she felt. “I will go now. Do you have any last words of advice?”
“I can only tell you what I know. I know this is what the Vigil brought us back for. With their guidance and our might, the Tyrant’s hordes will fall away from us like rain against steel.” He directs her to his war room and calls her attention once again to the strategic maps on the table. “Travel to the Eye of Regulos, slay the king, and shatter his body with the Hammer of the Vigil to sever Regulos’s grip on this land.”
Anneleigh laughs in spite of herself. “Only that, right? Nothing else? You know, a little more challenging?”
Cyril directs her back out into the open space of Valor Hold. “I know the mission sounds impossible, but have faith in the Vigil.”
“If King Aedraxis wants oblivion,” Cyril shouts to the wounded soldiers in the yard, “We WILL give it to him!”
Anneleigh takes her leave of the company at Valor Hold and makes her way across the battlefield. She encounters little resistance until she reaches the base of the mound. At the top of the ridge, between herself and the eye of Regulos, stood more undead forces than she had seen thus far in her travels. A hopeless feeling washed over her, the impossibility setting in once again.
“No evil can stand against the Ascended.” She hears from her left. There, once again to guide her, a messenger of the Vigil. “Step into the light Anneleigh, and let the power of the Gods course through your body.”
Anneleigh does as instructed and sees the undead army fall at her feet.
“Can I hold onto that weapon...?” She begins to ask, but the Messenger is gone.

“What is this?” She hears from a distance. “Did I not slay you before?”
Aedraxis has entered the rift from the south. Anneleigh studies him, searching for a weakness.
“The Gods brought us back to destroy you, Tyrant.”

“Your gods cannot stand against the dragon of extinction.” Aedraxis calls. “Regulos, I give my life to you, from which springs power eternal!”
“NO!” Anneleigh calls out, but it is too late. Regulos, in dragon form, entered the rift the moment he was called. There is a flash of light and Aedraxis is gone, replaced by the Shade of Regulos. Regulos in Aedraxis’ body, well and truly in Telara.
“In life I ruled Mathosia, but with Regulos I shall rule all of creation!” The Shade calls, leaving no doubt that he and Aedraxis are now one being.
“You are insane, brother! I will end this if you cannot!”
“Carwin, my bastard brother, you will address me as Regulos or not at all.”
“NO!”, but without another sound, Carwin drops to the ground, dead.

Anneleigh takes up her daggers and approaches the Shade with Cyril and Borrin at her sides. Together, they battle Regulos to the ground, as close to death as an undead can be.
“I... I can’t believe Carwin is gone. The cost was great, but we are Victorious.” Shyla whispers.
“This isn’t over.” Cyril warns. “Anneleigh, You must shatter the body of Aedraxis to sever Regulos’s grip on this place.”
Anneleigh takes up her blade, the blade made by Borrin for her, and blessed by the Vigil, and approaches the Shade. She raises the dagger in both her hands and plunges it deep into Aedraxis’s chest. The moment it is done, she is raised off the ground and surrounded in pure white light.
Through the white light, she sees several images flash in her mind and a voice call to her.
“Guardian of the Vigil, Your sacrifice has saved Telara from destruction, but the world is still in peril. See now, through prophetic eyes. The brood stirs, the ward falls, and utopia is undone. Mark well this prophecy of the rifts. We have chosen you as an instrument to prevent the coming apocalypse. Go with the grace of the Vigil.”
Anneleigh opens her eyes to find she has been transported. She is no longer in the blackened warzone of Mathosia – not in the eye of Regulos among the death and destruction. She has opened her eyes to the beautiful crystal clear waters of the coast of Silverwood. But though she sees beauty and sunshine, she still hears the sounds of cannons and battle.
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