
Saturday, 28 January 2012

2.02 - Founder's Threshold

“The others live.”  Anneleigh exclaims.  “I was not told.  This is wonderful news.”  She beams from ear to ear.  “Captain, we cannot fail now. I am a single hunter, but see now how the Vigil blesses their chosen.”

“We’re not victorious yet.  The others from the bridge seem to have fallen unconscious in the blast.”

Saturday, 21 January 2012

2.01 - The Ascended Returns

Anneleigh pressed her hands to her ears to muffle the sound, closed her eyes and counted to 10, shook her head; nothing would rid the sound of battle from her ears.  Finally, she was forced to concede the trauma of the events of the last few days would say with her.

She gathered her bearings and started forward, knowing if she went around this out crop of land she would leave this small alcove and find the wide open Silverwood.  It was only after three or four steps that she noticed the messenger of the Vigil.  Relieved, she approached the being.

2.00 - Silverwood - Story Summary

This posting serves as the summary and index of the journey through Silverwood. It includes posting numbers, characters and extras important to the story.

It is updated as the story progresses.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Letter from the Writer

Dear Readers:

This marks the end of Anneleigh's Journey through Methosia.  I hope you have enjoyed the opening chapter of this project.  I encourage anyone who is interested in Fantasy Games to pick up Rift.  My storytelling cannot do it justice; especially the cut scene towards the end of this chapter (which, though I have saved to my computer, will not upload.)  All pictures included in the Blog are gameplay footage. 

Next week begins Anneleigh's story through Silverwood.  As always, I welcome feedback from followers. 

Don't be alarmed if the page looks different when you visit next week. ;)

Thanks for reading.

Post Script: January 28 2012.  I am still unable to fix the links in the side bar.  Attempt number 4 may work.  Appologies for the unreadable red.

1.12 - The Shade of Regulos

Anneleigh approached the Messenger at the end of the presentation platform and knelt at its feet.  It took several moments for the Messenger to speak.

“This place is a nexus where the power of the five Gods meets.  It is where the Vigil can reach out its hand to those who seek them. “

The Messenger nodded and Anneleigh rose.

“You have done all the Gods have asked.  Now they ask for so much more.  You must be prepared to give your life to push Regulos back through the Ward. “

Saturday, 7 January 2012

1.11 - Orphiel Fairwind

Eyes shut tight against the terror, she fell.  All around her, friends from Silverwood were falling at the swords of the undead.  A few fell from fear alone, but many lived to strike a few blows before their lives were undone.   Above here, she could smell the stench of rotting flesh of the undead, the endless cultist who had fought her to this state.     Throughout the battle here at Thedeor Fields she had not struck a killing blow; though not for lack of trying - the warriors of Regulos were stronger than many rabid beasts she had dealt with in her home of Silverwood.  With her last ounce of strength, she rose as high as her weakening muscles would allow,  planted her dagger deep where a breathing opponent would have the most to lose-where blood and air would normally flow- and heaved it to one side, falling to the ground as she did so.  Time slowed and her vision tunnelled, but she was able to watch his head leave his body before all went black.

1.10 - EXTRA! From the journal of Maura Reinhard

This gem is on the rift official website with additional information about the plane of death.  It's short, so I wont include a cut to more for this.

We lived at the heart of where the Shade appeared, my husband, my two sons and I. We tried to flee, but the land was dead in every direction. The undead beasts of the rifts did not slaughter us, but watched with hollow eyes, as if they knew. As if they knew.

My sons changed, skin tight over bones, and so pale I could see down to their dear hearts. Their father recoiled from them, but I could not. By night, they would tell me how alien everything seemed, how strange it was that father’s chest rose and fell as he slept, while ours did not. We decided to open him up and see why. My boys and I did not leave the shaded lands, but no matter how many people we open up, we can never remember how to breath.