“We watched the Abyssal flee from the
Gwenllian smiled, pleased with her work,
but dropped it quickly as Holden joined them.
The sight of him reminded her of her vision of a spiteful return,
however, her near death and failure in her rescue of the messenger had reminded
her of the need for companions.
“I don’t even need to ask. I can tell by the look on your face that
Dorim won’t be performing any more rituals anytime soon.” Thomas continued
In spite of herself, she beamed. “No, she won’t, and no one will be continuing
her torture of that messenger, either.
He’s free now, but I was given a message before they vanished.”
“You actually spoke with the Messenger?”
Thomas said with surprise. “You are
blessed! “
the messenger speaks with the word of Bahralt, then we’re in trouble.” Holden said.
“This Tidelord Brenin is the leader of the Abyssal cult, and if he
believes that the secret to releasing Akylios lies within Hammerknell Fortress,
there’s no telling what Chaos they’ll unleash to please their dragon god.”
Thomas nodded. “We cannot allow the Abyssal to search
Hammerknell for a means to release Akylios.”
“But how?” Gwenllian asked. “Hammerknell is impenetrable. No one has been able to breach the wall. The doors were sealed shut years ago. Not even our own have found a way to breach

Gwenllian bristled at the pet name, but
said nothing as Thomas continued.
“Borrin already knows to expect you,
Gwenllian started the short walk to Reclaimer’s
Hold. Borrin Gammult was indeed waiting
for her arrival.
“Welcome to Reclaimer’s Hold, Gwenllian. “
“Welcome home, Borrin.” Gwenllian said,
half teasing, and Borrin chuckled. She
wondered how long it had been since Borrin set foot in Moonshade. She knew it was he who built the great city
of the Sanctum of the Vigil. Assisting
in its day to day function with Cyril and Shyla must not allow much time to
travel. “What are you doing here? The Runeguard must be happy to have you to
assist them.”
have come here to offer my support to the Runeguard and their efforts
here. I may not agree with their lax
standards when choosing allies, I share their desire to reclaim Hammerknell for
the dwarven people. I’m not a
fool. If the gates of Hammerknell open
once again, and by Bahralt’s grace they will, I will be here to make sure that
the Faceless Man and his Defiant forces do not get the chance to claim that
great city for their own. These
Runeguard chaps have more appreciation for dwarves like us than for the
Guardians. And thankfully they show
equal disinterest in allying with the Defiant.
They only seem to care about one thing: reclaiming Hammerknell
“Well then they are good friends to have in
a time like this.”
Borrin nodded his agreement and
continued. “You have news for me?”
“The messenger believes Tidelord Brenin and
the Abyssal will try to break into Hammerknell.”
“And those of us here who put no stock in
the gods would say, let them inside if they had good intentions.” said a member
of the Runeguard from behind them.
Gwenllian and Borrin turned in shock.
“The Abyssal? Have good intentions? “ Gwenllian said. “You do realize that it’s a dragon cult you
speak about. Trying to break into
Hammerknell to free their dragon lord is not something that can be allowed to
“Ah, tosh.” The guard said, waiving away
her arguments. “It is only the gods that
tell you this.” Gwenllian starred at the guard, who returned her look with
equal distrust. “And besides, we have a
greater threat in our sights. A demon
named Gorvaht has spread his corruption across Moonshade. We can clean up his mess all we want, but it
will be quicker to cut off the source.”
“You see for yourself that the Abyssal are
here in Grey Gardens looking for something.” Borrin said. To his credit the guard had the grace to
look away. “Captain Haghen,” Borrin
called, “you cannot be saying you are going to let the Abyssal walk right through
the front gates.”
“Of course not Borrin.” called another of
the Runeguard, who Gwenllian assumed to be Captain Haghen, as joined their
small group. “We were the dwarves who
guarded the fortress from outsiders, and it was the selfless act of General
Stanig, the leader of the Runeguard at the time, that gave the dwarves inside
Hammerknell a chance at survival. As the
shroud of death corrupted the Grey Gardens, Stanig heaved the great doors shut
and uttered the dwarven words that sealed it off from the planar assault.”
“Yes, Haghen, we’re aware of the
history.” Gwenllian said, regretting her
tone at once.
“Well then you’ll know it was Gorvaht who
slain the General afterward.”
“Yes but...” Gwenllian lied. She had not been told it was Gorvaht, but
wanted the Runeguard to remain focused on the Abyssal.
“We know the kind of damage Gorvaht can do.” Haghen said, cutting her off. “Since that day we have not heard a word
from our people inside the fortress.
Some believe they were tainted by planar power and eternally damned, but
we won’t know until we set foot inside.
For that to happen, Gorvaht and his minions must be purged from the
“But the Abyssal...”

“I’ve already cleared the threat of
Gorvaht. In the Faering Woods I used Rune
stone.” Gwenllian said impatiently.
“Then you’ve done your job poorly.” Haghen fired back. “After the shade, Regulos, through Gorvaht,
released the demons from the Runebinding vessels, who then in turn, possessed
the artisans who had bound them.”
“You ignored the Vigil and gave yourselves
to the dark arts.” Borrin said.
Gwenllian gave him a look of question, wondering why he had suddenly
switched focus from Abyssal to Endless, but he either did not notice or did not
plan to share his thoughts.
Runeguard is here to correct this.” Haghen said, looking slightly ashamed at
the mention of the dwarves past failures.
“We must destroy the corruption within
these foul vessels. It is the first step
in proving your loyalty to the vigil.
Haghen looked relieved to have finally
persuaded the Guardian contingent. He
nodded at Gwenllian, “We need fragments from the shattered vessels.
Good job Anne! I always read your entries whenever I have a moment! Of course, that's near impossible what with getting my costume ready for BlizzCon and working 13 hours a day lol. But I love coming home from work and seeing a new update!