Confused, but elated at her success,
Anneleigh returned to Heroes’ Stand.
“We could feel the protection spread across
the camp, Anneleigh. Bahralt and the
rest of the Vigil will surely remember this honor you do in their name.” Sir Siennicki said as he welcomed her back to
Anneleigh retold her discoveries as they
walked. From the surrounding tents they
could hear the mutterings of the soldiers who overheard her story.
“A two-headed abomination beneath the Lord’s
Hall? Has everyone lost their minds?” One soldier said.
“There hasn’t been anything like that seen
since the Mathosian Civil War.” A second
“But even if those things had returned,”
The first said, “Why would they be here now in this backwater wasteland?”
Anneleigh smiled but said nothing about the
slight on her sanity, so Sir Siennicki continued. “The mystical protections of Scarwood Reach
are still damaged, but in restoring the Shrine of Bahralt, you have brought us
a step closer to fully restoring them.”
the haunting broke, and the room shook, these were dislodged from their hiding
places.” She said as she offered the
Sir Siennicki smiled at her more
broadly. “I don’t know what they could
be, my dear, but I know someone who may.
As it stands, he has been waiting to speak with you.
He led Anneleigh to his tent where an old
monk with a long, silver beard awaited their return.
Bohem held out his hand to shake Anneleigh’s. She shook it, and, without further small
talk, offered him the artifacts, which he took with care and placed on the
central table.”
He paced by the table, looking over the
items carefully, removing several from the table as he went. When he had whittled the collection down to
two, he again spoke, “This is an incredible find!” He held up the book that had caught her
eye. “How did you ever notice this old tome
among the rest of the ruins? My friend,
the Vigil guides your hand; there can be no doubt.”
“It was partly hidden under a pile of dislodged
rocks.” Anneleigh said simply. “I
believe it belonged to Carwin Mathos.”
Her eyes became misty once again. How strange it was that Carwin was so tied to
this area of Telara. Memories of his
sacrifice flooded back each time his name was mentioned, yet as frequently as
it has happened at late, she was still caught off guard each time.”
“The present often mirrors the past. During the Mathosian Civil War, Carwin
defended Lord’s Hall from King Aedraxis’s forces at the Auld Warden just north
of here. Perhaps we were meant to find
this account, to learn from him even still.”
Anneleigh nodded and wiped the small tears
from her eyes. “And what of the second
“This, this is most curious. I can feel emanation of power from it, but
can divine little of its nature beyond that.”
Anneleigh’s heart fell, which must have
shown on her face.

Anneleigh took all of the discarded
artifacts and the mysterious item and made the short walk back to Kain’s
Command. She began to explain what she
had found, but when Kain saw the artifacts he halted her recount and ushered
everyone from the room.
“This,” he said with awe as he looked upon
the mysterious object, “came from that undead-infested dwarven hold? Bohem is a fool, but luckily he sent you to
me. This remnant is from the shattered
remains of Aedraxis himself!” Anneleigh
must have looked puzzled, because Kain continued. “When the Mad King Aedraxis
was struck down at the end of the Mathosian Civil War, his Regulos-infused form
Anneleigh shuttered, remembering it
well. This was the event that took her
from this world for twenty years, preventing the life she would have known
otherwise. Kain either took no notice of
her discomfort or refused to acknowledge it.
“Remnants of this evil were scattered across the lands, seeds of the
Destroyer’s evil taint, dangerous seeds of corruption to spawn later evils. The Vigil sent a messenger to me and made it
my duty, my destiny, to collect and safeguard these Remnants.”
He removed the remains from her hands and
placed it in a softly glowing box. “I
will see to it that the Vigil’s faith in me was not misplaced!”
With the remnant safeguarded, Kain turned
his attention to the remaining pieces she retrieved.
“It seems you may be good at more than just
slaying the Vigil’s foes. I might have a
mission suited just for you. Long ago,
Carwin defeated his enemies here using the Chain of Command, an artifact that
was lost in the battle. That is, until
you discovered these pieces.”
Anneleigh gave an audible sigh of
relieve. The reaction Bohem gave to the
other artifacts she retrieved made her feel they were a useless waste of
time. Here now, however, was proof of
her good judgement.
“The gemstone is missing.” Anneleigh said
with worry.
For the first time since she returned to
his tent, Kain smiled. “It was missing,
until Ralyn inadvertently disturbed it, activating its magic for the Aelfwar to
track. It is known as the Heart of
Mathos, a polished orb of pure sourcestone.
If the Aelfwar find it first...”he trailed off. “We need to reach it first.”
Anneleigh nodded. “Where did Ralyn find it?” she asked,
wondering why the girl failed to return it to her commander.
“In Auld Warden.” He said simply and then led
her outside to the edge of the crater that was the growing point for the old,
dead tree she had seen as she climbed to Lord’s Hall. “The trolls would, no doubt, have moved it
from its resting place at ground level to one more secure, more
defendable. You will need to climb to
the top.

It was lighter than she thought it would
be, requiring less counter balance, a fact that made her return trip easier. Within the hour she was back in Kain’s
command tent.
“Yes, that is the Heart of Mathos.” He
said. “I can feel its power from
here. You have done well, Elf.”
Anneleigh took slight offence to being
addressed by her race, and not by her name, but she shrugged it off.
“The Chain of Command is a potentially
powerful weapon, but in its current state, it is just that – potential. The monks of the Sagespire will know how to
restore it. Bring them the pieces. And Anneleigh, while you are there, enlist
their aid in locating the remaining protective shrines.”
Yay! Good job Ceici! I luvs it. Your method of storytelling is so awesome. :) Sorry I didn't comment earlier, there's just sooo many things going on in Rift right now that I can't seem to drag myself away except to run off to work lol. Mayhaps I'll see you online sometime and we can chat! Or RP....or chat AND RP. Oo Anyway, Ana checking out!