As she walked into the village, two Glade Guards approached her.
“Anneleigh?” The taller of the two asked.
“Yes, I am. Is there some sort of trouble?”
The two guards exchanged a significant look.
“We don’t know the details, only that Thelliam Bedstraw, the professor of Nature, asked to speak to you the moment you returned. “
“Which everyone thought would be yesterday.” The first interjected. “So he’s quite anxious to see you.”

Without another word they let her pass.
Anneleigh went to Brougan’s usual lookout, but he was not there. After about an hour, Anneleigh located him in QuickSilver College, deep in conversation with an older Mathosia she had never met.
“Brougan, I have news.” She said, effectively alerting them to her presence and interrupting their conversation in one move.
“Ah, Anneleigh, I’d hoped you would find me while I was still here. This is Professor Bedstraw. He lectures at the College on elements of nature.” Brougan said. Either he had the grace to pardon her, or he did not know of her transaction with the guards.
Anneleigh extended her hand in greeting to Thelliam.
“Tell us what you learned at Sanctum Watch.” Brougan asked.
Anneleigh retold the events of the past day.
“What is the next step?” She asked when she had finished.
“If you feel brave enough, I would ask you to travel to the Palisade.” Said Professor Bedstraw. “In their fight against the Wanton hordes, House Aelfwar has raised a massive fortress to the north. We’re not sure how they built it so quickly – some of us believe they grew it out of the ground with foul magic – but it poses a threat to the people of Argent Glade and may hold further clues to the connection between Aelfwar and Fae.”
Anneleigh nodded and looked to Brougan. “Do you agree?” She asked. She wanted his confirmation and would not agree to the professor’s request without it.
Brougan considered for a moment. “Yes. “Prince Hylas must surely know that planar magic isn’t the answer to the goblin threat. What else is Hylas planning? I feel this structure must be connected to the sapling you received at the Mirror of Ages.”
“You received a sapling at the Mirror of Ages?” The Professor asked in astonishment. “You’ve been holding out on me Brougan. May I see it?”
“Yes.” Anneleigh said cautiously as she held out the tiny tree, and then remembered he must be professor of nature for a reason. “Professor, would it help to understand further if you could study this plant? “
His eyes widened. “Yes, yes it would. Although, it would also help to compare this plant to those grown in the Palisade we assume to be grown through planar magic.”
Anneleigh straightened her posture. “Right, then it’s settled. I will go to the Palisade, look for clues and return with a plant sample for you, Professor.”

“I am sorry to interrupt, but I .... “He trailed off as Anneleigh stared at him.
“It’s ok Professor Drift.” Brougan said as he glared at Anneleigh. “Please continue.”
“It’s only that... well, I heard just now of the bravery of this woman and wondered if she would consent to a small task for me as well.”
Anneleigh sighed loudly and Brougan stood on her foot.
“I have seen Gutter, the goblin leader, in my meditations, as well as a flickering presence – the influence of Maelforge. Gutter must be using a token of the dragon’s power to rally his horde. Please, would you recover the token? It would end the power of the Goblins here in Silverwood.”
Despite herself, Anneleigh smiled. “That one single act would have the goblins fleeing Silverwood. It really couldn’t be that easy, could it?”
“I may be an old man, but my calculations are not usually wrong.”
Anneleigh smiled what felt like her first genuine smile in days. “Then it would be my honor.”
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